При настройке Jenkins и Bitbucket возникает ошибка

При настройке Jenkins и Bitbucket возникает ошибка

Failed to connect to repository : Could not init C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\hudson6288377217413724040tmp

Подскажите как с ней бороться?

А где юзернейм задается? Юитбакет не умеет работать с юзернеймом в url.

Credential based access to bitbucket repository works correctly.
Embedded user name and password in the https URL does not work with private repositories on bitbucket or GitHub (even using an access token that works from the command line) or GitLab.
Embedded user name and password in the https URL works with public repos on bitbucket and GitHub and GitLab.
Jenkins credential based https access to private and public repositories works as expected on bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab.

Да, уберите aly-lucenko@ из Repository URL. Пользователя Вы и так указываете в Credentials.

к сожалению не помогло

lmgtfy подсказал еще такое:

There was a change made in git client plugin 1.8.1 in that area. If you are not using git client plugin 1.8.1 you should try updating to that version through the “Manage plugins” page.
If you are using git client plugin 1.8.1 then you may need to downgrade to git client plugin 1.8.0.
You should probably also remove the directory /tmp/.git recursively.

Make sure you have properly configured your “Path to Git executable” in Manage Jenkins → Configure System.

у меня так настроено (только по HTTPS)